churna means powder

vatsak is a plant which can be seen above

Benefits of vatsakadi churna

Severe forms of diarrhea can be treated with the regular use of Vatsakadi Churna. It shows quick results that are similar to the modern medicines.

One of its prominent results can be seen in case of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

Ulcerative colitis has been treated and its complications are also treated well with regular use of Vatsakadi Churna.

It is a very useful herb for the proper functioning of intestines.

Also very good for dissolving kidney stones.

This churna improves tone of the intestines, regulates their movement, prevent fermentation in them or making of gas


The herb Vatsakadi Churna is a frequently used powder in the herbal medicines. Its multiple benefits and health results have drawn attention of researchers throughout the world. Many scientist and students have taken up the study of this powerful remedy.

  1. Research has proved its wonderful actions on inflammations in the body.
  2. Studies prove it to be a great anti-dysenteric.
  3. It has properties to expel toxins from the body helps to treat diarrhea for the same reason.
  4. It has been proved to be effective in patients with ulcerative colitis.

why you should stay away from processed foods?

Always remember this” whatever tastes good is actually bad for your health and the one which tastes bitter is is actually good for your health”.

Hmmm ..frozen fruits,frozen meat,canned beans,fruit drinks,boxed noodle and so on,most of them like these right ?let me explain you the harsh effects of this

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‘Processed foods comprise a whole lot of foods items made from refined food products that undergo processing for removal of fibre content in them. So, everything from white rice to refined flour or maida-based products like noodles, biscuits, cookies, cakes, khari-butter are processed foods. The refining process also causes loss of valuable nutrients like vitamins and minerals that are naturally present in them before undergoing processing. Moreover, additives and chemicals that added to these foods contribute to ill effects they can have over the years,’ says Dr Niti Desai, consultant nutritionist practising in South Mumbai and at Cumballa Hill Hospital.

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‘Although the trend of consuming refined foods was adopted from the Western countries, today it has become a big issue because processed food is cheaper than natural foods. So, its consumption has increased not only in terms of number of people consuming it but also in terms of the volume of food consumed by each one of them,’ she adds.

Here are some ill effects of eating processed foods that you should look upon it

Increased risk of obesity:  

Processed foods tend to be higher in four main components — refined sugar, salt, saturated fats and trans fats. All four of them are linked to increased risk of obesity. ‘Due to lack of fibre these foods do not induce the feeling of fullness. As a result, you tend to consume more junk food and add useless calories to your diet. Since a major part of our population lives a sedentary lifestyle, consumption of processed food is making people obese.’

Increased risk of diabetes:

Lack of fibre in food takes a toll on blood sugar levels. Many people believe that eating small quantity of junk food at one time will not do much harm. But according to Dr Desai, that’s a misconception. ‘Every single time you eat junk food your sugar levels spike, irrespective of the quantity you eat. Even if you eat a small quantity, you’re still consuming it 4-5 times in a day, resulting in spiked sugar levels 4-5 times. This fluctuation is what accelerates the progression to pre-diabetes. Your body will eventually reach a stage where it will not be able to handle these fluctuating levels. That’s the start point of diabetes.’

Increased risk of heart disease:

‘Indian diet primarily comprises of cereals. Now, if these cereals are themselves refined and processed to remove the fibre content, imagine the compounding effect it can have on your nutrition intake,’ says Dr Desai. The saturated fats and trans fats in them contribute to increasing triglyceride and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. Every time your blood sugar level increases, it damages the linings of the blood vessels causing chronic inflammation. This inflammation causes bad cholesterol to stick to the walls of the arteries, blocking blood flow to the heart. When they’re blocked enough, heart attack occurs.

Increased risk of hypertension:

Refined foods undergo a lot of chemical processing, which means a lot of additives and harmful stances are added to them in order to increase their shelf life and make them tastier. One of those ingredients is salt. Also, the salt used in these products is so finely ground, that each grain of salt has a specific particle size capable of stimulating your hunger and increasing your cravings to these foods. You obviously want to eat more junk food. But, higher the salt intake, greater the risk fluctuations in sodium-potassium balance and the risk of suffering from high blood pressure.


According to Dr Desai, the recommended daily intake of fibre should be around 25-30 gm, which cannot be met if a major part of your diet includes processed foods. Fibre aids digestion by adding bulk to the diet and allowing easy movement of digested food through the colon. It also improves consistency of stool, preventing straining. Naturally without fibre, digestion is greatly affected. ‘These days more number of people are suffering from gastrointestinal problems like constipation, bloating, acidity, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. The number of cases of piles have also increased in the past few years, all thanks to processed foods.’  

4 Eyeopening health tips that you need to know !

Is it true that sweating leads to fat loss?

When exercising, body’s temperature rises and heat is produced in the form of sweating. It is a natural mechanism of the body to cool down. Sweating doesn’t mean losing weight.You may see a slight difference on weighing scale but this difference is temporary. When the body is forced to sweat due to ambience, we actually lose salts and electrolytes from our body, which affects our performance during a workout, that leads to injury. Don’t live in myths, always search for logics behind the statement so that you can do justice with your health.

Do really Lifting weights will make you bulky?

A common myth which generally prevails in females that weight training will make them look manly. The fact is that it will increase their lean body mass and metabolic rate. Along with the increase, the after burn concept takes place which means your body will burn fat more than what it usually burns to keep your BMR burning. Weight training also strengthens joints, muscles, and tendons which provide a positive change in your bones by storing more calcium and improving your bone mineral density.

Is it necessary that exercise should be done on empty stomach?

It is not necessary to do exercise on empty stomach. A light stomach also helps you to perform exercise efficiently. Light stomach means, doing light dinners, sleeping on time and before the workout you can easily have a fruit. Fruit leaves the stomach in 15 minutes but last night dinner stays. Therefore, light stomach is directly proportional to calm mind and healthy body.

Why you should include CURDS(YOGURT) INTO YOUR EVERY MEAL ?

Image result for benefits of curds

Curd, also known as yogurt which is  produced by bacterial fermentation of the milk and  makes a healthy and easy addition to your daily diet. This dairy product is a good source of protein, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, vitamins, zinc and potassium. Added to that, the good bacteria present in curd, makes it even better.

Good for the stomach: The good bacteria found in curd are extremely beneficial to our digestive system, especially  the colon and  the stomach.

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For healthy bones and teeth: Being rich in calcium, it protects the bones against osteoporosis and arthritis. It promotes bone growth and strengthens the teeth.

Good for dysentery: Consumption of curd provides relief to the person suffering from dysentery.

Discourages vaginal infections: Consuming curd proves beneficial for those suffering from vaginal infection.

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For a healthy heart: Curd lowers blood pressure. It helps lower bad cholesterol and reduces risk of heart attacks. Coping with high level of cholesterol becomes easier with the help of curd.

Good for your skin: Regular consumption of curd hydrates the skin and improves skin texture and complexion.

A super-healthy source of proteins: Curd is a wonderful source of natural proteins and thus extremely beneficial for vegetarians.

Aids weight loss: Curd is known to make one feel fuller and therefore helps in cutting  down calorie intake in the next meal.


All countries aren’t created equal, and there are a variety of factors that contribute to healthy, happy countries – as well as factors that contribute to unhealthy countries. Typically, the healthiest countries are those that are developed. These countries have lower rates of pollution, access to quality health care, and access to clean, safe drinking water. Unhealthy countries, on the other hand, do not have access to clean drinking water or any type of health care. Diseases run rampant. Pollution may be high, leading to health problems, illnesses and death. The life expectancy of the residents of these countries is low, and infant mortality is high. Quality of life is dramatically lower than in the more developed countries.

The Bloomberg Global Health Index takes a look at several of these factors to rank the healthiest (and unhealthiest) countries in the world. The factors that are used to rank the countries include:

  • Health risks (tobacco use, high blood pressure, obesity)
  • Availability of clean water
  • Life expectancy
  • Malnutrition
  • Causes of death

Using these factors, each country is given a rating out of a top score of 100. During the last ranking in 2017, Italy scored the highest and was deemed the healthiest country in the world. The nation scored over 93 points with a life expectancy over 80 years.

Other countries that ranked high for health include Iceland, Switzerland, Singapore and Australia. Factors including outdoor activities and exercise, high-quality health care and healthy diets are just a few of the things that contribute to these nations’ healthier lifestyles and higher life expectancies.

The top 10 healthiest countries according to the Bloomberg Global Health Index are listed below in the order they were ranked.

A. Spain

B. Italy

C. Iceland

D. Japan

E. Switzerland

F. Sweden

G. Australia

H. Singapore

I. Norway

J. Israel

Source: C.B.News


Lemon grass is an amazing super-herb that has been used for hundreds of years for both culinary and medicinal purposes.

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Lemongrass is a green and white, grass like plant with razor-like blades and it is grown across the planet in warm tropical climates.

It is native to the southern part of India but also found in abundance in other South East Asian countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia and Indonesia.

You can get fresh lemongrass stalks at various grocery stores, as well as other forms such as a dried herb or grounded lemon grass powder.

Image result for lemon grass

Lemongrass herb should be kept in an air tight container and placed in a dark, cool and dry place where it will keep for up to 2 years

Lemongrass imparts a distinct lemon flavor when cut or crushed due to a release of an essential oil called citral. The dried herb also releases this same flavor when steeped as a tea.

Lemongrass may smell like lemon, but it is more mild and sweet in flavor. It is not sour to taste.

uses of Lemongrass

• Cough, cold & sore throats

• Anxiety

• High cholesterol and lean body

• Fights Type 2 diabetes and cancer

• Colitis

• improves Digestion

• Rough, dry, scaly skin

• Acne free clear skin

• Constipation

• Kidney detoxification

• Insomnia

• Relaxation & deep sleep

Health benefits of watermelon

Image result for benefits of watermelon

Watermelon is one of the most refreshing, thirst quenching fruit available year round. Watermelon is not only delicious but also very nutritious. Studies have shown that deep red varieties of watermelon have displaced the tomato as the lycopene king.

Lycopene, however, is fat-soluble, meaning that it needs certain fats in the blood for better absorption by the body. Watermelon consists of 92% water and 8% sugar.

Benefits of eating watermelon daily:

•Achieve that younger-looking skin with just 2-cups of watermelon daily. Research showed that watermelon cuts the risk of sun related skin damage by 40%. That’s because watermelon is nature’s richest source of lycopene, an antioxidant that scavenges the UV-induced free radicals that cause sunburn and wrinkling. Lycopene may also help reduce the risks of cancer and other diseases.
•Watermelon can help improve sleep. By eating a few slices of this fruit after dinner can extend the deep stages of sleep by 27%. The reason is watermelon’s polysaccharide carbohydrates rev the body’s output of serotonin. When levels of serotonin increase at night, the brain is less sensitive to disruptive stimuli (like noise) during sleep.

•Watermelon can boost energy. A daily serving of watermelon has been shown to boost energy levels by up to 23%. This is because watermelon contains vitamin B6, which the body uses to synthesize feel good dopamine. It also contains magnesium which assists in the body’s formation of adenosine triphosphate. Like a rechargeable battery, this nucleotide fuels cellular function for all-day energy.
•Watermelon can help in the faster healing of wound and other skin problem. The fruit is packed with the amino acid citrulline, which the body converts to arginine. Arginine speeds the delivery of white blood cells to injury sites, plus spurs the growth of new skin tissue. Study show that these processes can help skin heal 3x faster.

•Watermelon has ingredient (arginine) that deliver Viagra-like effect. Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it. Extra nitric oxide can also help treat angina, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems.

Tips for a juicier watermelon slices: Long-term refrigeration can sap nutrients and flavor from the fruit. But to guarantee the tastiest fruit, place watermelon in the fridge for 30 minutes before slicing it. A quick chill causes the fruit’s cells to constrict. This means the juice stays in the slices instead of running out onto the cutting board.

Source http://www.hubpages.com

A virus that is in talk today..!!you will have to check upon this for sure!


The Zika virus is a mosquito-borne viral infection that primarily occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Most people infected with the Zika virus have no signs and symptoms, while others report mild fever, rash and muscle pain. Other signs and symptoms may include headache, red eyes (conjunctivitis) and a general feeling of discomfort. Zika virus is also called Zika or Zika virus disease.

Zika virus infections during pregnancy have been linked to miscarriage and can cause microcephaly, a potentially fatal congenital brain condition. The Zika virus also may cause other neurological disorders such as Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Researchers are working on a Zika virus vaccine. For now the best prevention is to prevent mosquito bites and reduce mosquito habitats.


As many as 4 out of 5 people infected with the Zika virus have no signs or symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they usually begin two to seven days after a person is bitten by an infected mosquito. Signs and symptoms of the Zika virus most commonly include:

  • Mild fever
  • Rash
  • Joint or muscle pain

Other signs and symptoms may include:

  • Headache
  • Red eyes (conjunctivitis)

Most people recover fully, with symptoms resolving in about a week.


The Zika virus is transmitted primarily through the bite of an infected aedes species mosquito, which can be found throughout the world. The virus was first identified in the Zika Forest in Uganda in 1947, but outbreaks have since been reported in southeastern and southern Asia, the Pacific Islands and the Americas.

When a mosquito bites a person infected with the Zika virus, the virus enters the mosquito. When the infected mosquito then bites another person, the virus enters that person’s bloodstream.

The virus can also spread to the fetus during pregnancy.

  • Living or traveling in countries where there have been outbreaks. Being in tropical and subtropical areas increases your risk of exposure to the virus that causes the Zika virus. Especially high-risk areas include several islands of the Pacific region, a number of countries in Central, South and North America, and islands near West Africa. Because the mosquito that carries the Zika virus is found worldwide, it’s likely that outbreaks will continue to spread to new regions. The mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus are found in some parts of the United States. Most cases of the Zika virus infection in the U.S. have been reported in travelers returning to the U.S. But local transmission has been reported in certain areas of the U.S. and in Puerto Rico.
  • Having unprotected sex. The Zika virus can spread to another person through sex. If male sex partners or a couple that includes a male and female partner travel to an area with a Zika risk, the CDC suggests using condoms or avoiding sex for three months. If female partners travel to an area with a Zika risk, the CDC suggests using condoms or avoiding sex for at least two months. Also, the CDC advises abstinence from sexual activity during pregnancy or condom use during all sexual contact for a pregnant woman or her partner who have traveled to or lived in an area of active Zika virus transmission.

How To Prevent Zika Virus?

Zika is a mosquito-borne disease that has no vaccine nor cure. The best form of prevention is avoiding or repelling mosquitoes. CDC recommendations include:

  • Use insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, OLE or IR3535.
  • Wear clothing treated with a repellent like permethrin.
  • Wear long-sleeve shirts and long pants to cover exposed skin.
  • Stay and sleep in screened or air conditioned rooms. Consider using mosquito netting depending on your itinerary.

Avoid non-essential travel to areas affected by Zika if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. See our section below on Zika and pregnancy. Many organizations recommend travelers speak with a travel health clinic like Passport Health before leaving. Schedule an appointment at the Passport Health clinic nearest you today!

Most powerful Breathing Techniques that influences most on your Personality

As newborns, we enter the world by inhaling. In leaving, we exhale. (In fact, in many languages the word “exhale” is synonymous with “dying.”) Breathing is so central to life that it is no wonder humankind long ago noted its value not only to survival but to the functioning of the body and mind and began controlling it to improve well-being.

As early as the first millennium B.C., both the Tao religion of China and Hinduism placed importance on a “vital principle” that flows through the body, a kind of energy or internal breath, and viewed respiration as one of its manifestations. The Chinese call this energy qi, and Hindus call it prana (one of the key concepts of yoga).

A little later, in the West, the Greek term pneuma and the Hebrew term rûah referred both to the breath and to the divine presence. In Latin languages, spiritus is at the root of both “spirit” and “respiration.”

Recommendations for how to modulate breathing and influence health and mind appeared centuries ago as well.

Below are few techniques that you can practice when you are feeling lazy

Mindful breathing. This involves becoming aware of your breath and focusing on it. It does not involve trying to change the way you breathe. However, the act of focusing on the breath usually slows down breathing patterns, making you feel more relaxed. As you focus on how air moves in and out through your lungs, mouth and nose, it becomes a form of calming meditation.

Mantra breathing. This technique makes use of a mantra to help focus on your breath. A mantra is a phrase or word that you repeat to yourself to create focus. As you repeat it, you become able to relax and meditate.

Square breathing. This employs visualization to create focus. As you inhale, visualize one side of a square. Then, visualize the next side of the square as you exhale. Repeat the process until you have imagined each side of a square.

Nostril breathing. This technique can help to reduce agitation and anxiety. As you breathe you close off one nostril and take air in slowly through the other. Then switch, closing off the second nostril while breathing through the first. Repeat the process until you begin to feel calmer.

Pranayama breathing. This cleansing breath method is used in the practice of yoga. Experts say that using pranayama has the power to clean 72,000 channels in the body. It involves inhaling with the mouth closed, then exhaling through the nose. This type of breathing technique can clean blood and clear your respiratory system. As a result, good clean oxygen travels to the heart and the brain.

4,7,8 Method. Developed by Dr. Andrew Weil, this breathing method helps you get to sleep. It is a simple and straight forward method. You inhale to the count of four, hold your breath to the count of seven, and then exhale to the count of eight. Repeat as needed.

Belly breath. This type of breathing is easy to practice because you can feel your body taking in and exhaling air by the movement of your abdomen. Lie down on a bed or on the floor. Place one hand on your stomach and inhale slowly through the nose (notice the abdomen rising). As you exhale, you contract the abdomen muscles and push the air out of your lungs.